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The recent Ogden Rate announcement: A strategic perspective
08/01/25 17:46Rarely do we see an event in UK General Insurance that so profoundly influences the consumer and the insurer equally. Ye...
Quoted car insurance premiums rise 34% in a year - But the worst could be over
03/07/24 14:34Quoted premiums fell 1.3% in the past three months and insurers are cutting prices to win business In May, motorists mos...
The Ogden Rate Announcement 2024/25: Reflecting on the Past, Preparing for the Future
03/07/24 13:44In 2017, the insurance industry experienced a seismic shift with the amendment of the Ogden rate, a crucial factor in de...
Ogden In Retrospect - Who’s The Most Competitive Van Insurer?
22/03/18 11:37The word Ogden hit the headlines again this week, but with details of any rate change unknown, our focus remains on the ...
Ogden In Retrospect — Which Brands Are Pricing Most Competitively?
08/03/18 14:23As we revealed last week, rating volatility was the defining characteristic of the motor market in 2017. While premiums ...
Ogden In Retrospect — A Year Of Motor Rate Volatility
01/03/18 14:12A year ago, the Government sent shockwaves through the motor market after changing the calculations for payouts for pers...
Insurance Predictions 2018: Inflation, Ogden and GDPR
21/12/17 13:11As the New Year lurks off stage, waiting to burst into the global spotlight, I sit down and wonder about the cast of cha...
How Motor Brands Reacted To Ogden In Q3
19/10/17 15:50The polarisation of motor insurance rates intensified in the third quarter. Last month our latest Car Insurance Price In...
How Much Could Rates Fall Following Ogden U-Turn?
14/09/17 12:47The Government’s decision to review its controversial Ogden Rate hike after just six months has far-reaching implication...
Insurers Start To Retrace Ogden Price Hikes
17/08/17 14:38After an initial flurry of price hikes, it looks like the pace of increase in motor insurance is starting to level off, ...