The insurance add-ons market is a rich source of income for the UK motor insurance market. 

However, with new regulations, differing consumer behaviour, and a wide range of insurer strategies at play, it is becoming increasingly difficult for insurers to determine the best approach to market for add-on policies. 

Our unique data set, focused on the motor add-ons market, enables you to benchmark your add-on pricing strategy against your competitors and understand the impact of the new PCW question sets implemented as a result of the Insurance Distribution Directive. 


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Benchmark your add-on strategy against your competition.

Our data set shows who is offering which products and how your brand compares to the wider market. By looking at individual product pricing you can model changes to your competitive position.

Additional Product Benchmarking is available as a standalone solution, but by coupling it with our Offers and Incentives data, you can widen the lens in which you view the market; a complete view of premiums, additional product premiums and marketing offers.

Frequently asked questions.

How is the data delivered?

This solution is currently delivered as a raw data file. However, we are in the process of developing interactive views that will be available through our online portal by the end of March 2021.

How many risks do you collect?

This data set is collected as part of our core motor collection. Each month, we run a total of 3,600 risks across the big 4 price comparison websites.

Is this a standalone solution?

Additional Product Benchmarking can be purchased as a standalone solution. However, you can gain a wider view of the market by purchasing this product alongside Market View and Offers and Incentives Benchmarking.

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