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Insurance Predictions 2018: Inflation, Ogden and GDPR
Insurance Predictions 2018: Inflation, Ogden and GDPR
21/12/17 13:11

As the New Year lurks off stage, waiting to burst into the global spotlight, I sit down and wonder about the cast of cha...

The Marmalade Trust: Spreading Festive Cheer
The Marmalade Trust: Spreading Festive Cheer
21/12/17 12:31

This year we are supporting the Marmalade Trust instead of sending cards for the festive season. The Marmalade Trust are...

2017 In 9 Numbers
2017 In 9 Numbers
14/12/17 15:02

2017 has been dominated by big data, and big numbers. And yet the most significant figure of all happens to be less than...

Year in Review: What Were Your Biggest Stories?
Year in Review: What Were Your Biggest Stories?
14/12/17 14:54

As chosen by you, here’s a look at the most viewed, liked and shared articles in 2017. At the end of 2016 our CEO, Ian H...

Meet the Team: Cassie Best
Meet the Team: Cassie Best
12/12/17 12:38

And what does being a UX Designer involve? I basically design products and services with the end user in mind. I talk to...

Consumer Intelligence Backs St Peter's Hospice
Consumer Intelligence Backs St Peter's Hospice
12/09/17 12:50

Donation funds half a day of running costs for Bristol’s only adult hospice St Peter’s Hospice is benefiting from the su...