Banking blog
What will coronavirus do to the pound?
27-Feb-2020 11:40:32Political and economic events always impact on currency rates, but what will coronavirus do to the pound? While Brexit t...
Household finances will drive voting choices this week
05-Dec-2019 13:15:56Well over half of voters will consider the effect on their own pockets when they put a cross in a box on December 12. Ne...
Did Brexit cause the demise of Thomas Cook?
10-Oct-2019 14:06:11Government ministers might have ruled out Brexit as a factor in the travel firm’s demise, but industry experts point to ...
Brexit Induced Exchange Rate Volatility Heavily Impacting Customers
12-Sep-2019 11:37:32Brexit has had an even greater than expected impact on customers buying foreign currency, with providers increasing thei...
What Brexit Taught Us About The Money Transfer Market
07-Sep-2016 11:52:37The response by money transfer market businesses to news that the UK had voted to leave the EU highlighted how fast some...
Hold Off Buying Foreign Currency After Leave Vote
27-Jun-2016 09:07:46EU Referendum result creates winners and losers But borrowing and insurance costs could rise Consumers and businesses bu...
Hedge Your Brexit Bets And Buy Holiday Money Now
04-May-2016 10:59:50Euro holiday cash could cost up to 20% more if UK votes leave Guaranteed buyback deals can ease the blow no matter the r...