Banking blog
Cash Is Still King When Paying For Coffee
30-Mar-2017 08:25:00Over half of all consumers would pay for a cup of coffee and a cake with cash according to research from Consumer Intell...
Consumers Miss Out On Protection When Purchasing Abroad
29-Mar-2017 08:25:00Consumers are missing out on important protections and legal rights by choosing not to pay with a credit card when trave...
Gearing Up For The Peak Travel Money Buying Season
16-Mar-2017 17:02:01Travel magazines have been read, travel agents visited and travel websites browsed – the process of research and booking...
Time to rethink your travel money strategy?
19-Dec-2016 10:52:00If 2016 has been an interesting year in our sector, 2017 is set to be no different. With the threat of terrorism and pol...
7 Things To Consider When Developing Your Travel Money Plans
10-Nov-2016 17:00:0275% of travel money transactions are conducted between April and September. Over 80% of consumers buy their currency in ...
More Than Half Do Not Shop Around For Travel Cash
10-Nov-2016 15:18:28Just 46% of tourists check travel money rates despite Brexit volatility Fewer than one in four convert spare foreign tra...
The Key Challenges For The Banking And Travel Sectors?
04-Aug-2016 11:21:59What’s your role at Consumer Intelligence? As Key Account Director for the financial services division my role includes ...
Digital Visibility In The Travel Money Market
23-Jun-2016 15:44:27In the third and final part of our series on how to maximise your share of the travel money market, we’ll be talking abo...
Making The Most Of Your Travel Money Branch Network
16-Jun-2016 16:28:00This is part two of our series of how to maximise your share of the travel money market. Previously, we focused on the v...
The Travel Money Market Convenience Factor
09-Jun-2016 11:25:11This is first of three posts on the subject of maximising your share of the travel money market. They are meant as a sna...