• 25 insurance brands have been successful in the 2020 Consumer Intelligence Awards
  • NFU Mutual secured the most success, with award wins in every category across home and motor


Insurance customers across the UK have recognised 25 brands as the highest rated providers of insurance in this year’s Consumer Intelligence Awards.

Every year, data analytics company Consumer Intelligence uses its Insurance Behaviour Tracker – the largest insurance focused survey in the industry - to gather feedback from almost 50,000 insurance customers across home and motor to find out what they think of the brands from whom they have bought a policy. The brands that are rated most highly receive a Consumer Intelligence Award.

The awards are split into five categories, with 10 winners per category, duplicated across motor and home insurance – providing a total of 100 opportunities to secure an award win. The award categories are: Claims Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service, Customer Trust and Recommendation by Customers. This year, 25 brands have successfully secured an award win.

The Consumer Intelligence Awards are a mark of consumer confidence. For brands, an award win provides reassurance that they are making the right strategic decisions when it comes to treating customers well – giving them the confidence to continue their journey and the motivation to strive for more. For consumers, an award win separates a brand from the rest. It builds confidence in their purchase and trust in their provider.

Ian Hughes, CEO of Consumer Intelligence says: “Our awards are different from other industry awards for two major reasons. Firstly, no-one in the industry gets to vote in these awards and secondly, even the customers that are voting in the awards don’t know that they’re voting – they are simply telling us what they think about their insurer. This makes our awards totally unique and entirely authentic.

“As an insurer, you can’t influence the results by submitting a well-worded application or by taking me out for dinner. You simply must do an amazing job for your customers all day, every day, 365 days a year. This is what delivers great outcomes in these awards.

“This year’s winners are the brands that continuously put customers at the heart of their business. Congratulations to you all!”

The 2020 Consumer Intelligence Award winners are:

Consumer Intelligence Awards motor insurance winners*

Claims satisfaction Customer satisfaction Customer service Customer trust Recommendation by customers
Aviva Aviva the AA the AA Aviva
Churchill Co-op Insurance Aviva Aviva Co-op Insurance
Co-op Insurance Direct Line Co-op Insurance Co-op Insurance Direct Line
Direct Line LV= Direct Line Direct Line LV=
MORE THAN NFU Mutual M&S Bank Lloyds Bank M&S Bank
NFU Mutual Quotemehappy.com NFU Mutual M&S Bank NFU Mutual
Privilege RIAS Saga NFU Mutual Quotemehappy.com
Quotemehappy.com Saga Sainsbury's Bank Sainsbury's Bank Sainsbury's Bank
Sheilas' Wheels Sheilas' Wheels Tesco Bank Sheilas' Wheels Sheilas' Wheels
*winning brands are listed in alphabetical order


Consumer Intelligence Awards home insurance winners*

Claims satisfaction Customer satisfaction Customer service Customer trust Recommendation by customers
Aviva Aviva Aviva Barclays Aviva
Co-op Insurance Barclays Barclays Co-op Insurance Churchill
Hiscox Direct Line Direct Line John Lewis Finance Co-op Insurance
John Lewis Finance John Lewis Finance HSBC Lloyds Bank Direct Line 
Lloyds Bank Lloyds Bank John Lewis Finance M&S Bank John Lewis Finance
NFU Mutual Nationwide Building Society Lloyds Bank Nationwide Building Society Nationwide Building Society
RIAS NFU Mutual M&S Bank NatWest NFU Mutual
Saga Saga Nationwide Building Society NFU Mutual Sainsbury's Bank
Swinton Sheilas' Wheels NFU Mutual Saga Sheilas' Wheels
Tesco Bank Swinton Santander Santander Swinton
*winning brands are listed in alphabetical order


Find out more

If you are a representative of one of the award winners or would like to find out more about the awards in general, please follow the link below.




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