Canva - Man and Woman Near Table2

At Consumer Intelligence, we ask over 48,000 insurance customers to rate their level of customer satisfaction with their providers. Using this unique data, we are delighted to announce the UK’s best insurers and Consumer Intelligence Award winners for customer satisfaction as voted by consumers.


Customer satisfaction measures how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Ultimately customer satisfaction is a reflection on how a customer feels about interacting with a brand.

Satisfied customers are a big contributor to whether a business succeeds or fails, not only are they more likely to remain loyal and renew their policy, they’re also more likely to recommend the company to friends and family. Using unique insights from our Insurance Behaviour Tracker (IBT), Consumer Intelligence has been able to determine that profitable growth is driven by a focus on renewals and that there is a proven link between brands with strong retention rates and high levels of customer engagement.



The top 10 brands for customer satisfaction*

Voted by drivers

Voted by householders






Co-op Insurance




Direct Line


Direct Line




John Lewis Finance


M&S Bank


Lloyds Bank


NFU Mutual


Nationwide Building Society


NFU Mutual







Sheilas' Wheels


Sheilas' Wheels



*winning brands are listed in alphabetical order



























































Customers rated their insurer based on the question “how would you rate your overall satisfaction with your current home insurance provider?” on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being “completely satisfied”.

The average scores for the top 10 insurance companies were 8.22 for home and 8.23 for motor. Across the market we saw average scores of 8.06 and 8.07, respectively. Across the last three years, levels of customer satisfaction have remained consistent across the home and motor markets.

Congratulations to Aviva and Sheilas’ Wheels who have entered the top 10 this year for both home and motor. We also welcome RIAS into the top 10 for motor.


Customer satisfaction across the home market

Customer satisfaction across the home market

Customer satisfaction across the motor market

Customer satisfaction across the motor market

Congratulations to all the insurance brands who have made the top 10. Winning this award really says something amazing about your brand and the overall experience your customers receive.


Are you one of the UK's best insurers for customer satisfaction? 

The awards are based on an annual survey of nearly 50,000 home and motor insurance customers who rate their experience of brands like yours. You can only win if you are extremely good at what you do, day in and day out so congratulations again!

Claim your awards today to find out how you can make the most of being a winner.




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