In November 2020, 64% of holiday makers said a UK holiday was on the cards for 2021. Fast forward almost six months, and our latest poll reveals staycations have becoming increasingly popular, with 72% of those with holiday plans already bagging a UK vacation for this summer.

Whilst this constitutes a majority stake in the holidaying population, it is worth noting that of the 1,038 UK residents surveyed, only 28% have already booked their summer vacation. A further 35% are waiting to see what happens with lockdown and travel restrictions and might still book something if everything goes according to plan. 28% are more pessimistic, predicting that we might go back into lockdown or have continued or increased restrictions on travel. 26% are reluctant to book out of fear of contracting COVID-19. 23% say they just can’t afford a holiday and 16% say they just prefer staying at home.

Other than the 72% who have holidays planned within safety of the UKs boarders, 39% of respondents with existing holiday bookings say they will be visiting Europe, with Spain coming out on top as the most popular destination. 15% have been brave enough to book further afield, with the majority heading to the USA for their summer jaunt.

In choosing their holiday destination, 35% are being led by their desires, visiting a destination just because they want to, whilst 23% are making a judgement on whether it is safe to visit according to COVID-19 levels and restrictions.

The majority of those planning an overseas trip booked their tickets last year (42%). A more cautious 29% only firmed up their holiday plans in the last two months.

32% of those with holiday plans say are dead set against arranging insurance for their staycation, and a further 12% didn’t even know insurance was an option for holidays on home turf. 18% say they are already covered through their bank, whilst 29% actively arranged insurance - either from the company which they booked their holiday through (14%), a travel insurance specialist (10) or a price comparison website (5%).

Although around third have no interest in insuring their UK holiday, those that have little awareness of the option of insurance could present a target customer base for PCWs and direct insurers. All they need it a little education.

When asked what items they deem most important when it comes to what their policy covers, medical expenses cover for conditions other than COVID-19 was most popular (20%). In joint second place, we have medical assistance for a travel companion who contracts COVID-19 whilst abroad (15%) and COVID-19 related cancellation cover (15%).

With uncertainty from government regarding the timeline for travel restriction easing, it’s no wonder more people are opting for the safety of holidaying in the UK this year. However, as we edge ever closer to the 21 June deadline for lifting all restrictions, it is paramount that the travel insurance industry keeps its finger on the pulse, ensuring their distribution, pricing and products reflect the changing travel patterns, wants, needs and concerns from holiday makers.


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