
Over half of all consumers would pay for a cup of coffee and a cake with cash according to research from Consumer Intelligence released for European Money Week. 

57% of people surveyed said they would pay using cash for a coffee, but that number hides a dramatic difference between people under 25 nearly 50% of whom would use a debit card, less than 15% of those over 55 would pay with a debit card.


Over 65's warned about carrying cash

People over 65 are being warned about carrying too much cash around after research by Consumer Intelligence found that 1 in 5 a carrying around over £50 or more in cash.


Nearly 1 in 3 have no credit card in their wallet 

Research by us shows that 29% of consumers have no Credit Card.


18% of consumers use phone payment



Travel money: how Britain buys travel money

how-britain-buys-travel-money-banner-1.pngConsumer Intelligence’s biannual travel money survey reveals a detailed picture of the UK travel money market. Our last survey involved 1,096 online interviews in October 2017. Here are some highlights.

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