Mapping inconsistencies driving pricing inconsistency case study​ 




The objective

​To help clients understand why pricing differs from one Price Comparison Website (PCW) to another when the client’s desired pricing strategy is to be consistent​

To remove unintended pricing differences by channel


The approach

Using our dataset, identify examples of pricing differences at individual risk level. Use of individual risk factor analysis to drill down and identify what’s driving the pricing difference.​

Work collaboratively with the client to research inconsistently priced risks within their quote system. Review PCW filters and mappings between the PCW and client quote engine where appropriate.


The impact

We found examples of incorrect mappings between the insurer quote engine and the PCW. We also uncovered filters which had been applied by the PCW which were restricting quotability


The value

Removing mapping and filter inconsistencies enables clients to deliver a consistent experience to consumers. It also drives improvements in R1-5 share and sales for consumers those clients are actively trying to target


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