Kate Collyer joined the FCA in October 2019 as Chief Economist, and in March 2020 added interim Director of Competition to her responsibilities. As Chief Economist Kate heads the Profession, leading the economists and analysts across the FCA to produce their analytical output and push research strategy forward. As Interim Director of Competition, Kate is responsible for leading the wide range of competition work, including market studies and competition enforcement cases. Kate also acts as an adviser to the Executive Committee.
Kate worked in BEIS from March 2018 as Chief Economic Adviser for Energy and Market Frameworks and Director of Analysis. Prior to this, Kate was Deputy Chief Economic Adviser at the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) where she was responsible for overseeing the work of the economics profession in the CMA’s market and merger investigations and had a leading role in relation to merger and competition investigations. Prior to taking this role Kate was Director of Economics Markets and Mergers at the CMA. Kate has undertaken several senior roles in government, including Director of Economics at the Competition Commission and Deputy Director at the Cooperation and Competition Panel (now NHS Improvement). Kate has over 15 years’ experience working as an economist in roles spanning the public and private sector.